I'm trying to upload native symbols for external native library in Android app. All setup and it seems the crashlyticsUploadSymbolsRelease succeeded. I checked the crashlytics.log and it says that the .cSYM file 's being generated and uploaded to https://cm.crashlytics.com/api/v3/platforms/android/code_mappings. But when I check the Crashlytics tab in the Firebase console the logs are not resolved i.e. no stack traces to be shown.
I use LLD as default. I thought that this could be the problem - removed it, so started using the default one provided by the NDK, but still no success.
The NDK out dirs are...
androidNdkOut '../build/intermediates/cmake/release/obj'
androidNdkLibsOut '../build/intermediates/transforms/mergeJniLibs/release/0/lib'
Also tried with stripDebugSymbol folder for androidNdkLibsOut - no success.