sharepoint list version history export to excel

2020-06-23 05:59发布

Good day !

I need to do the export versions of the log data item in the excel. This solution I unfortunately cannot use because I'm from Russia, and the solution only supports the Latin alphabet. so I have the most to learn to extract data from the version history for a single item list.

please help. how is this done?

标签: sharepoint
2楼-- · 2020-06-23 06:08

While I haven't found a clean way of doing this, I have a partial workaround.

  1. Use the Export to Excel option in the List section of the ribbon (make sure the list view you export includes a modified column - thanks T6J2E5).
  2. Save the owssvr.iqy file and open with notepad
  3. Copy just the URL from the file and paste it back into your browser, adding "&IncludeVersions=TRUE"
  4. Save the XML file and open in Excel (or your favorite XML viewer), selecting the "As an XML table" open option.
  5. You'll have to delete the first few columns and rows as they contain the schema data but other than that you should have all the version history (I suggest you add the Version column to the view). You can sort by the Modified column to get a chronological change log of the entire list.
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