I am trying to send a JSON Post request using Android Volley library but I dont seem to get the body of the json right and I get undefined body parameters on my web server. I need the json's parameters body to be a single object "name=someVal&comment=someOtherVal". name and comment are the keys and someVal and someOtherVal are the values.
String spreadsheetID = "1111111-11111N92RT9h-11111111111111111111111111111";
String url = "https://script.google.com/macros/s/" + spreadsheetID + "/exec";
// Instantiate the RequestQueue.
RequestQueue queue = Volley.newRequestQueue(this);
// Request a string response from the provided URL.
JsonObjectRequest jsonObjReq = new JsonObjectRequest(Request.Method.POST,
url, null,
new Response.Listener<JSONObject>() {
public void onResponse(JSONObject response) {
Log.d("JSONPost", response.toString());
}, new Response.ErrorListener() {
public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
VolleyLog.d("JSONPost", "Error: " + error.getMessage());
}) {
protected Map<String, String> getParams() {
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
//params.put("comment", "someOtherVal");
return params;
// Add the request to the RequestQueue.
I also tried this in the above code but no luck:
params.put("comment", "someOtherVal");
params.put("name", "someVal");
It seems Google Spreadsheet was preferring this format:
try to put
before JsonObjectRequest jsonObjReq ... and change the null value by
so your code will be
If you need to send a JSON POST then you should dump the http.HEADERS and the http.WIRE and you should probably see ....
Find out how to log header and log wire in Volley....
Think about testing a POST using CURL on the CLI where adding the -v switch will show you the details. Then , what works in curl you move that verbatim to your android, http client and it will work.