I am working with C# .NET 4.0
I am trying to get the value of a single selected item in a listbox.
This is how I populate the control:
this.files_lb.DataSource = DataTable object
In my designer, I have specified file_name as the DisplayMember and file_id as the DisplayValue
After selecting an item in the listbox, I tried the following to get the value:
But all it returns is "System.Data.DataRowView".
At this link : Getting value of selected item in list box as string
someone suggested -
String SelectedItem = listBox1.SelectedItem.Value
However, 'Value' is not an option when I try this.
How can I get the ValueMember value from a single selected item in a listbox?
var text = (listBox1.SelectedItem as DataRowView)["columnName"].ToString();
with the name of the column you want to get data from, which will correspond with a column in your datasource.Also watch out for nulls if there's no selected item.
You may need to set the DataValueField of the listbox.
It really should be this easy; I have the following in a click event for button to make sure I wasn't over simplifying it in my head:
And the result:
It looks like your issue may be from not setting a property on the control:
If I deselect that box, I get the exact same behavior you are describing.