I'm trying to figure out how I can add an appender to a logger dependent on whether a java system property is given / set.
So let's say I have a basic configuration like this:
<Logger name="myLogger" level="info" additivity="false">
<AppenderRef ref="myAppender1" />
<AppenderRef ref="myAppender2" />
So now I'd like to figure out a way to conditionally only add the 2nd appender if I provide a parameter -PaddAppender2. Something like this:
<Logger name="myLogger" level="info" additivity="false">
<AppenderRef ref="myAppender1" />
<?if (${sys:enableAppender2:-false) == "true"}>
<AppenderRef ref="myAppender2" />
How do I do that?
I know I can for example make the level dynamic on a given property ("logLevel") like that (where "info" is the default if the property is not given):
<Logger name="test" level="${sys:logLevel:-info}" additivity="false">
I looked at the documentation for filters, and I can't figure it out. That is of course if filters are even the right way to go here.
I wasn't able to figure out a solution via config file alone, but I found one that solves the problem programmatically.
Note that in our specific case, we always log to a "local log" ("splunk local"), but in given cases (controlled by the property), we also want to log the same information to another location (that is not relative) and is periodically read and forwarded to a splunk server ("splunk forwarder").
And that's why we can copy most of the properties from one logger to the other.
If anyone knows how to do this via config file alone, that would be great.
Similar to rgoers solution but using nashorn instead of groovy. This solution benefits from fact that Nashorn engine is part of Java 8 so there is no additional dependencies needed.
Note that
is evaluating the script every time when Log4j event occurs. Therefore it is possible to enable/disable the appender on the run time (by changing the value of the system property) with immediate effect. On the other hand, script evaluation can have negative impact on logging performance.Solution without any scripting:
The way this is intended to be handled is by using a filter. In this case you can use a Script filter.
The solution provided by Robert works, but it is not efficient as the script will be evaluated once per log record.
A more efficient solution that evaluates the script only once is to use
together with theNullAppender
:According to the docs: