I'm trying to get data coming from a websocket to automatically update value inside a controller's scope.
My Service:
mimosaApp.service("Device", function ($websocket) {
var self = this;
var ws = $websocket.$new({
url: "ws://" + window.location.host + ":81",
//mock: true,
reconnect: true
this.data = {};
ws.$on("$open", function() {
ws.$emit("get", "device");
ws.$on("$message", function (message) {
console.log("WS Received", message);
for(var key in message) {
self.data[key] = message[key];
console.log(self.data); // At this point, self.data contains the proper data.
this.send = function (obj) {
ws.$emit("set", obj);
And my simple controller:
angular.module("MimosaApp").controller("PageController", ["Device", "$scope", "$http", function(Device, $scope, $http) {
$scope.device = Device;
When a socket connection is made, the browser sends a message asking for data (the $open event). When it gets a response, it updates the Device.data object with the JSON object.
But I'm not seeing this reflect inside my controller scope/view. If inside the Controller, I set something like Device.data.name ='blah';
I can see the name property in the controller scope/view.
I'm a little new to Angular so sorry if my question doesn't quite make sense. :)
My view is trying to use it like:
<div class="container-fluid">
<li ng-repeat="(key, value) in device.data">
{{key}}: {{ value }}
Looking at the source it does not seem to invoke digest cycle using
within the$on
handler. Which means that angular does not know about any update to its view bindings, so no change gets reflected in the view. So you would need to do it manually in your service, you could either inject a$rootScope
or just a$timeout
to trigger a digest cycle.Example:-
Or even create a dummy promise in your service using
.The most likely cause is that the $on callback isn't triggering a $digest cycle to inform the rest of the app of any change.
You can do that manually by injecting $rootScope
and then triggering a $digest after updating your data