I am using UISearchbar
in tableview controller in storyboard.
And searchbar returnKeyType
is UIReturnKeySearch
Its working fine with iOS7 but returnKeyType
is not working with iOS8.
in iOS8, return key appears every time in keyboard.
I tried to set returnkeytype
in viewDidLoad
method of controller too.
What I need to do to set returnKeyType = UIReturnKeySearch
in iOS8?
try this in
:I think you can go with your hard codded logic for right now. I will update if I will get better solution for your problem.
Try making IBOutlet of your SearchBar
and add the below line code to your viewDidLoad Method
I'm not sure if I understood your question correctly. You want to have "search" button instead of "return" button, right? There is a new SearchController in ios 8, give it a try:
And now the implementation:
You also have to implement method from UISearchResultsUpdating protocol:
EDIT: If it is not what you were looking for please comment, so I can update my answer accordingly
Building a SearchView with UISearchBar and UITableView
this might helps you :)