I am integrating CCAvenue to my android app and I am doing Non-seamless integration.
My merchant server is php and I am making my httppost to the GetRSA.php file kept in my merchant server.
The code I am using is as below
List<NameValuePair> httpParams = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
httpParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("access_code", intent.getStringExtra("access_code")));
httpParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("order_id", intent.getStringExtra("order_id")));
String vResponse = sh.makeServiceCall(intent.getStringExtra(RSA_KEY_URL), ServiceHandler.POST, httpParams);
The access code, order id and the RSA url is passed from the previous activity and the ACESS_CODE I am using is the one provided by the CCAvenue and the RSA_KEY_URL is the path where I kept the GetRSA.php in the merchant server.
But the response I am getting is "!ERROR!Caller IP not registered/Merchant Not found."
What can be wrong?
Kindly make sure that your Public/Outgoing IP has been whitelisted on CCAvenue's end.Also Make sure you are using the proper Access Code,Merchant ID and working key provided by CCAvenue.See the Link
It is because at ccavenue there are server to server call, so they get a hit from our server's outgoing Static IP.. As they have validations at their end..you get "!ERROR!Caller IP not registered/Merchant Not found."