How can I cut a video into multiple parts and then join them together to make a new video with ffmpeg?
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You can use the concat demuxer.
#1 Create a text file
The inpoint/outpoint directives specify the trim in and out points in seconds for the file listed above them.
#2a Create the joint file
#2b Do the overlay together
External Audio stream with concat
You question is quiet general...
The following example may help you, but it might not solve your specific issues.
The example applies three stages:
Create synthetic video (with no audio):
(The created video is uncompressed).
Cut video into 3 parts (creating 3 video files):
Concatenate (merge) 3 parts in reverse order:
Note: for Linux use single quotes
Reference: Concatenate two mp4 files using ffmpeg
Synthetic video looks as the following image: