A colleague of mine states that booleans as method arguments are not acceptable. They shall be replaced by enumerations. At first I did not see any benefit, but he gave me an example.
What's easier to understand?
file.writeData( data, true );
enum WriteMode {
file.writeData( data, Append );
Now I got it! ;-)
This is definitely an example where an enumeration as second parameter makes the code much more readable.
So, what's your opinion on this topic?
While it is true that in many cases enums are more readable and more extensible than booleans, an absolute rule that "booleans are not acceptable" is daft. It is inflexible and counter-productive - it does not leave room for human judgement. They're a fundamental built in type in most languages because they're useful - consider applying it to other built-in-types: saying for instance "never use an int as a parameter" would just be crazy.
This rule is just a question of style, not of potential for bugs or runtime performance. A better rule would be "prefer enums to booleans for reasons of readability".
Look at the .Net framework. Booleans are used as parameters on quite a few methods. The .Net API is not perfect, but I don't think that the use of boolean as parameters is a big problem. The tooltip always gives you the name of the parameter, and you can build this kind of guidance too - fill in your XML comments on the method parameters, they will come up in the tooltip.
I should also add that there is a case when you should clearly refactor booleans to an enumeration - when you have two or more booleans on your class, or in your method params, and not all states are valid (e.g. it's not valid to have them both set true).
For instance, if your class has properties like
And it's an error to have both of them true at the same time, what you've actually got is three valid states, better expressed as something like:
Enums are better but I wouldn't call boolean params as "unacceptable". Sometimes it's just easier to throw one little boolean in and move on (think private methods etc.)
It depends on the method. If the method does something that is very obviously a true/false thing then it is fine, e.g. below [though not I am not saying this is the best design for this method, it's just an example of where the usage is obvious].
However in most cases, such as the example you mention, it is better to use an enumeration. There are many examples in the .NET Framework itself where this convention is not followed, but that is because they introduced this design guideline fairly late on in the cycle.
IMHO it seems like an enum would be the obvious choice for any situation where more than two options are possible. But there definitely ARE situations where a boolean is all you need. In that case I would say that using an enum where a bool would work would be an example of using 7 words when 4 will do.
I would not agree that it is a good rule. Obviously, Enum makes for a better explicit or verbose code at some instances, but as a rule it seems way over reaching.
First let me take your example: The programmers responsibility (and ability) to write good code is not really jeopardized by having a Boolean parameter. In your example the programmer could have written just as verbose code by writing:
or I prefer more general
Second: The Enum example you gave is only "better" because you are passing a CONST. Most likely in most application at least some if not most of the time parameters that are passed to functions are VARIABLES. in which case my second example (giving variables with good names) is much better and Enum would have given you little benefits.
Booleans make sense when you have an obvious toggle which can only be one of two things (i.e. the state of a light bulb, on or off). Other than that, it's good to write it in such a way that it's obvious what you're passing - e.g. disk writes - unbuffered, line-buffered, or synchronous - should be passed as such. Even if you don't want to allow synchronous writes now (and so you're limited to two options), it's worth considering making them more verbose for the purposes of knowing what they do at first glance.
That said, you can also use False and True (boolean 0 and 1) and then if you need more values later, expand the function out to support user-defined values (say, 2 and 3), and your old 0/1 values will port over nicely, so your code ought not to break.