my_event = Event.objects.get(id=4)
current_time =
How do I do check if my current time is between them?
my_event.start_time < current_time < my_event.end_time
my_event = Event.objects.get(id=4)
current_time =
How do I do check if my current time is between them?
my_event.start_time < current_time < my_event.end_time
you can use a simple if comparing three dates, like this
The datetimes getting tested need to all naive (no timezone) or all aware (timezone). An exception should occur if you try to compare aware and naive. If all the datetimes are aware the timezones don't actually have to match that appears to be taken into consideration when comparing.
Your answer is the way to go as long as start_time and end_time don't have an associated tzinfo class. You can't directly compare a naive datetime with a timezoned-datetime.
I know old, but since this is so high on Google results, answers here don't take into consideration two cases:
I wrote a function to take care of time comparison, hope this helps anyone viewing this old question.