I know that there are many answers here, manuals, tutorials and references over the internets and amny more about this question. Also I know that knowledge of linear algebra is required. But when I think about time to figuring out all the theory and solving exercises in practice - my head is blowing off and I can't do the simplest things :(
Please, if you know a little fast solution how to make rotation of text over its center before rendering it - tell me, pleeease.
For now I have:
myX, myY = text_center[0] - (width / 2), text_center[1] + (height / 2)
cr.translate(myX, myY)
But my letter isn't rotating around itself. It's just like falling down to the right side :( I know that my code isn't right. Maybe I miss transformation but I don't know how to make it right.
UPDATE: Unfortunately, text are not affected by translations, so
cr.translate(10000, 10000)
will be exactly the same as
And I don't know how to make text rotation over its center without making new surface or something (like new layer in graphic processor) :(
That might explain why it's falling down to the right side.
OK so cairo allows for text move_to and rotate. This means that what you want is to figure out (x,y) for move_to (T), such that when you rotate (R), the center point of your text is at your desired location, c=(cx,cy):
So you have to solve the equation Mv = c, where v is the text center relative to the text origin:
Sanity checks:
For python code, you will have to rewrite the above equation so you end up with A*t=b, where t=(x,y), and you will compute t = inv(A)*b. Then, you will simply do
Note that the coordinate system in cairo has +y going down so there will be a couple signs to fix, and maybe y_bearing is not correct, but you get the idea.
At least on the version of cairo available on my machine (1.8.8), the following approach works for me:
Which can be used in the following way:
Class function based on above input with multi-line text support.