I have seen several apps and advertising networks like startapp changing the android web browser homepage by code. How is this possible?
I have taken a look at the startapp sdk but i have not managed to find the part where they change the homepage.
I have also taken a look at the BrowserSettings
in com.android.browser.BrowserSettings
In BrowserSettings
, there is a interface called setHomepage(Context, String)
public void setHomePage(Context context, String url) {
Editor ed = PreferenceManager.
ed.putString(PREF_HOMEPAGE, url);
homeUrl = url;
I dont know a lot java/android, so correct me if i am wrong: The setHomepage()
is not declared static so it can not be called from other activities. So i can not use this.
I cant see any Mode applied to the Shared Preferences so it means that it will by default take Private as is Mode and i cant edit the Shared Preferences or ?
Some people have said that it may would be possible to do with contentProvider/Resolver.
Link for BrowserSettings.java
Any help or thoughts would be appreciated:)
I see that you mentioned startapp. I have looked through their decompiled SDK but i cant find anything about the "changing homepage part".
Also i know that they do this but i cant find it in the SDK. Maybe somebody with better understanding for android can take a look at it. I have a android phone with 2.2 without root access and they managed to change the homepage.
With root permissions, you can go to the /data/app/com.android.browser/shared_prefs
you have there the XML file for the shared preferences.
You just need to edit
xml entry.without root it is impossible, since you will need root permissions to access that directory.
I'm with Diane HackBorn (Google's Android Engineer) on this one: this shouldn't be possible, as it would be a platform security flaw.
If it happens to be possible, would be through some sort of hack (i.e.: an App with root access that can write into the Browser app Settings file directly).