I'm working on stress testing our application in Apache JMeter.
I thought of calling register user method which will add users in the database. But if the email already exists, then the database action does not take place.
How can I add a random number in body data? Or is there some other way I can stress test my application connected with database?
Controller code :
@RequestMapping(value = "/person/add", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String addPerson(@ModelAttribute("person") Person person, BindingResult bindingResult) {
System.out.println("Person add called"+person.getUsername());
int personId = this.personService.addPerson(person);
if (!(personId == 0)) {
Person person1 = this.personService.getPersonById(personId);
Collection<GrantedAuthority> authorities = new ArrayList<>();
authorities.add(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("ROLE_USER"));
Authentication authentication = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(person1, null, authorities);
return "redirect:/canvaslisting";
} else {
return "redirect:/";
Use Random Variable with variable name emailValue and send ${emailValue} in request
Use JDBC request to your database to create random number or sequence and save in variable name emailValue
Use UUID function to create uniqueId and send in email ${uniqueId}@gmail.com for example
Take a look at JMeter Functions like:
JMeter functions can be used anywhere in the test so you can put them directly into your request body.
Some more recommendations:
My example with __UUID
For POST request, make sure you have correct Content-Type in HTTP Header Manger , application/json for example.