I am using Codeigniter in Local WAMP. Here code is working fine. But i upload in Cpanel ( inside of example.com, folder name call 'mysite
'). There I changed as,
- db_name (config/database.php)
- db_user_name (config/database.php)
- db_password (config/database.php)
- base_url as http://example.com/mysite (config/config.php)
- uri_protocol as REQUEST_URI (config/config.php)
And also changed .htaccess
(mysite/.htaccess) as,
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
# Set the rewritebase to your CI installation folder
RewriteBase /mysite/
# Send everything to index.php
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L]
But not in mysite/application/.htaccess . It's empty.
Problem is, If I go http://example.com/mysite , it's showing default page as correctly. But if I click any link (http://example.com/mysite/user/signin), it's showing same default page. but URL is changed.
help me, Please...
$config['base_url'] = 'http://example.com/mysite';
$config['index_page'] = '';
$config['uri_protocol'] = 'REQUEST_URI';
$config['url_suffix'] = '';
$config['language'] = 'english';
$config['charset'] = 'UTF-8';
$config['enable_hooks'] = FALSE;
$config['subclass_prefix'] = 'MY_';
$config['permitted_uri_chars'] = 'a-z 0-9~%.:_\-';
$config['allow_get_array'] = TRUE;
$config['enable_query_strings'] = FALSE;
$config['controller_trigger'] = 'c';
$config['function_trigger'] = 'm';
$config['directory_trigger'] = 'd';
$config['log_threshold'] = 0;
$config['log_path'] = '';
$config['log_date_format'] = 'Y-m-d H:i:s';
$config['cache_path'] = '';
$config['encryption_key'] = '***';
$config['sess_cookie_name'] = 'ci_session';
$config['sess_expiration'] = 7200;
$config['sess_expire_on_close'] = FALSE;
$config['sess_encrypt_cookie'] = FALSE;
$config['sess_use_database'] = FALSE;
$config['sess_table_name'] = 'ci_sessions';
$config['sess_match_ip'] = FALSE;
$config['sess_match_useragent'] = TRUE;
$config['sess_time_to_update'] = 300;
$config['cookie_prefix'] = "";
$config['cookie_domain'] = "";
$config['cookie_path'] = "/";
$config['cookie_secure'] = FALSE;
$config['global_xss_filtering'] = FALSE;
$config['csrf_protection'] = FALSE;
$config['csrf_token_name'] = 'csrf_test_name';
$config['csrf_cookie_name'] = 'csrf_cookie_name';
$config['csrf_expire'] = 7200;
$config['compress_output'] = FALSE;
$config['time_reference'] = 'local';
$config['rewrite_short_tags'] = FALSE;
$config['proxy_ips'] = '';
define('CSS_FOLDER' , 'application/assets/css');
define('DEFAULT_IMAGE_URL' , 'application/assets/images/default');
$route['default_controller'] = "welcome";
$route['404_override'] = '';
$route['user/(:any)'] = 'user/index';
try this
i was facing same issue ..its resolved when i use
in config.php ..try using AUTO and PATH_INFO for the same
make sure rewrite_module is on in apache
CodeIgniter can be told to load a default controller when a URI is not present, as will be the case when only your site root URL is requested.So once replace your default conroller 'welcome' with your conrtoller in routes.php , it may help you
in your routes.php file. user/signin matches the above condition, that is why CI route the request to user/index instead of your "User" controller "signin" function.
What are you trying to achieve with that route configuration?
.htaccess Code
Restore the default config to config.php, Hope this helps you.
I solved the same issue by changing the controller file name to start with a capital letter.
Just like the default 'Welcome' controller downloaded.