I'm using Docker for mac and I want to find where are the volume created by Docker.
# Create volume
docker volume create --name volume-name
# Create container binding this volume
docker run -dti -v volume-name:/data --name deb debian:jessie
# Create a file in container:/data
docker exec -ti deb touch /data/test.txt
# Find the Mountpoint
docker volume inspect volume-name
# Get :
# [
# {
# "Name": "volume-name",
# "Driver": "local",
# "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/volume-name/_data",
# "Labels": {},
# "Scope": "local"
# }
# ]
When I am using Docker on Linux, I can run
ls /var/lib/docker/volumes/volume-name/_data
and see the test.txt
But, on macOs I don't know where I can find this Mountpoint.
I found this post (Docker volume mount doesn't exist) but the author seems to use boot2docker and I'm not.
docker-machine ssh default
# Host does not exist: "default"
Can someone help me to find this Mountpoint on macOs using Docker for Mac
I finally found the solution to get access of the linux virtual machine using docker for mac
By default some directories are shared (/Users, /Volumes, ...), Then I can move my data volume directory to my mac from the vm.