The certificate for this server is invalid

2020-06-12 04:56发布

I know that if I use following nsurlconnectiondelegate it will be fixed

– connection:willSendRequestForAuthenticationChallenge: – connection:canAuthenticateAgainstProtectionSpace

But I am trying to use


So you don't get the callback. I looked into apple docs it say following

If authentication is required in order to download the request, the required credentials must be specified as part of the URL. If authentication fails, or credentials are missing, the connection will attempt to continue without credentials.

I could not figure out how to do that. When I looked up all I got is this private call

+(void)setAllowsAnyHTTPSCertificate:(BOOL)inAllow forHost:(NSString *)inHost;

Any idea how to do this?

Following is the error I get

The certificate for this server is invalid. You might be connecting to a server that is pretending to be “ {NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Would you like to connect to the server anyway?, NSErrorFailingURLKey=, NSLocalizedDescription=The certificate for this server is invalid. You might be connecting to a server that is pretending to be “” which could put your confidential information at risk., NSUnderlyingError=0xa26c1c0 "The certificate for this server is invalid. You might be connecting to a server that is pretending to be “” which could put your confidential information at risk.", NSURLErrorFailingURLPeerTrustErrorKey=

2楼-- · 2020-06-12 05:30

Try this.

Initiate your session using custom session config as shown below:

let session = URLSession(configuration: URLSessionConfiguration.ephemeral,
                                 delegate: self,
                                 delegateQueue: nil)

Implement the following delegate callback method:

public func urlSession(_: URLSession, task _: URLSessionTask, didReceive challenge: URLAuthenticationChallenge, completionHandler: @escaping (URLSession.AuthChallengeDisposition, URLCredential?) -> Void) {
    guard let serverTrust = challenge.protectionSpace.serverTrust else {
        return completionHandler(URLSession.AuthChallengeDisposition.useCredential, nil)
    return completionHandler(URLSession.AuthChallengeDisposition.useCredential, URLCredential(trust: serverTrust))
3楼-- · 2020-06-12 05:31

In my case, this error occurred due to my firewall blocked the required url. it's worked fine after removing firewall restrictions

4楼-- · 2020-06-12 05:35

In my case, this error occurred due to my system date. It was set as an old date, and the certificate is not effective from that old date. After correct the date, it works.

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