I am new to mock in Python. I want to know how to replace (mock) a class method while testing with another one, knowing that the original just changes some attributes of self without returning any value. For example:
def some_method(self):
self.x = 4
self.y = 6
So here I can't just change the return_value of the mock. I tried to define a new function (that should replace the original) and give it as side_effect to the mock. But how can I make the mocking function change attributes of the object in the class. Here is my code:
def test_this(self,someMethod):
def replacer(self):
self.x = 5
self.y = 16
some_method.side_effect = replacer
So how does Python now understands the self
argument of replacer? Is that the self of the test class, or the self as the object of the class under test?
Apologies in advance if I don't understand what you are trying to do, but I think this might work:
This replaces some_method() with other_method() when patched, which sets different values for attributes x, y, and when the test is run, it gives the results:
EDIT: to answer question about how to do inside the test function without mocking a class...
Make sure you call start() and stop() on the patcher otherwise you can get into a situation where the patch is active and you don't want it to be. Note that to define the mock function inside the test code function, I didn't use patch as a decorator, because the mock function has to be defined before using the 'new' keyword in patch. If you want to use patch as a decorator you have to define the mock function someplace before the patch, defining it inside of MyTestClass also works, but it seems you really want to have the mock function defined inside your test function code.
EDIT: added summary of 4 ways I see to do this...
None of these uses a side_effect, but they all solve the problem of mocking a class method and changing some attributes. Which one you choose depends on the application.