I have a representation of a graph as a std::vector<std::unordered_set<unsigned>> neighbors
, that is, vertices are integers, and for each vertex we keep a set of its neighbors. Thus, to walk all edges, I would do something like
for (unsigned u = 0; u < neighbors.size(); ++u)
for (unsigned v : neighbors[u])
if (u <= v)
std::cout << u << ' ' << v << std::endl;
Now, I would like to be able to get the same effect from
for (auto e: g.edges())
std::cout << e.first << ' ' << e.second << std::endl;
where g
is from a class encapsulating the neighbors
However, everything I tried seems extremely complicated, the best version I can come up with has 50 lines, and it's hard to see that it is correct. Is there a simple way to do this?
Here's my ugly version:
#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
typedef unsigned Vertex;
class Graph {
typedef std::unordered_set<Vertex> Neighbors;
std::size_t numVertices() const { return neighbors_.size(); }
Graph(std::size_t n = 0) : neighbors_(n) { }
void addEdge(Vertex u, Vertex v) {
class EdgeIter {
friend Graph;
bool operator!=(const EdgeIter& other) { return u_ != other.u_; }
void operator++() {
do {
while (it_ == it_end_) {
if (u_ >= neighbors_.size())
it_ = neighbors_[u_].cbegin();
it_end_ = neighbors_[u_].cend();
} while (u_ < neighbors_.size() && *it_ < u_);
std::pair<Vertex, Vertex> operator*() { return {u_, *it_}; }
EdgeIter(const std::vector<std::unordered_set<Vertex> >& neighbors, size_t u)
: u_(u), neighbors_(neighbors) {
if (u < neighbors_.size()) {
it_ = neighbors_[u_].cbegin();
it_end_ = neighbors_[u_].cend();
while (it_ == it_end_) {
if (u_ >= neighbors_.size())
it_ = neighbors_[u_].cbegin();
it_end_ = neighbors_[u_].cend();
Vertex u_;
const std::vector<std::unordered_set<Vertex> >& neighbors_;
std::unordered_set<Vertex>::const_iterator it_, it_end_;
EdgeIter edgesBegin() const { return EdgeIter(neighbors_, 0); }
EdgeIter edgesEnd() const { return EdgeIter(neighbors_, neighbors_.size()); }
class Edges {
Edges(const Graph& g) : g_(g) { }
EdgeIter begin() const { return g_.edgesBegin(); }
EdgeIter end () const { return g_.edgesEnd(); }
const Graph& g_;
Edges edges() { return Edges(*this); }
std::vector<Neighbors> neighbors_;
int main() {
Graph g(5);
g.addEdge(1, 2);
g.addEdge(2, 3);
g.addEdge(1, 3);
for (unsigned u = 0; u < g.numVertices(); ++u)
for (unsigned v : g.neighbors_[u])
if (u <= v)
std::cout << u << ' ' << v << std::endl;
for (auto e: g.edges())
std::cout << e.first << ' ' << e.second << std::endl;
I strongly recommend using the Boost.Graph library for such computations. The main reason is that graphs are complicated data structures on which you can run even more complicated algorithms. Even if your own hand-made data structure works correctly, it is likely not to run efficiently (in terms of space/time complexity) and may not support the algorithms that your applications needs.
As an indication on how accessible this library is: I had no prior experience with Boost.Graph, but it took about 30 minutes to come up with the following 30 lines of code that completely reproduces your example.
Output on LiveWorksSpace
Granted, because
returns astd::pair
, you can't use range-based for on the edges, but that's only syntactic sugar which you can try to repair by defining your own begin/end functions. What's important is that you can iterate over edges directly.Note that the
data structure provides you with edge and vertex operations of well-defined time and space complexity. The code above merely reproduces your example without knowing what kind of operations you really want. Changing the underlying containers allows you to make tradeoffs appropriately to your application.An opportunity for a shameless plug! I have a project linq-cpp for bringing .NET LINQ functionality to C++11, and this is a perfect example for where it really shines.
Using it, you could write a function like the following:
And then use it like this:
Or maybe like this:
I believe that your internal representation of a graph,
, is what makes the code hard to write/read. Maybe another representation (e.g.std::set<std::pair<Vertex, Vertex>>
) would make your code simpler. However, it's hard to tell since we don't know exactly what are the requirements ofGraph
.Anyway, as pointed out by Zeta there's a bug in
EdgeIter::operator !=()
. For instance, the code below:outputs
. Hence, the code considers thati1
are not different when they clearly are.Update:
It's probably obvious but here is a simpler version which uses a different representation for the graph. However, I emphasize that this may not be satisfactory depending on your requirements for
(which I don know):