I've generated a public and private key with pycrypto, and I save them to a file using export key:
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
new_key = RSA.generate(bits, e=65537)
prv = open('keymac.pem','w')
pub = open('pubmac.pem', 'w')
I use the public key to encrypt a file (following http://insiderattack.blogspot.com/2014/07/encrypted-file-transfer-utility-in.html#comment-form)
When I read the file to decrypt it, I get "Ciphertext with incorrect length."
I added a try-except block around the decryption code on Deepal Jayasekara example:
encryptedonetimekey = filetodecrypt.read(512)
privatekey = open("keymac.pem", 'r').read()
rsaofprivatekey = RSA.importKey(privatekey)
pkcs1ofprivatekey = PKCS1_OAEP.new(rsaofprivatekey)
aesonetimekey = pkcs1ofprivatekey.decrypt(encryptedonetimekey)
except Exception as decrypprivkeyerr:
print "Decryption of the one time key using the private key failed!!"
print "Key error == %s" %decrypprivkeyerr
raise Exception("Decryption using Private key failed error = %s" %decrypprivkeyerr)
Am I missing something? Should I save the private key differently? Am I not reading the private key correctly?
The error message, "Ciphertext with incorrect length", has told us all. That means, cipher text exceeded the limit length which can be calculated by (length of key, 1024.2048..)/8. to solve this problem, you can separate the cipher text and decrypt them within a loop, then assemble all the decrypted byte string. My code in Python 3.6 for reference:
This doesnt answer your question directly but it may give you some clues to the problem. Im using two functions for encrypting content to a file rather than encrypting a file directly. One for encrypting (in my case username and password) to a file then another to decrypt that data to use as needed.
Note the need for the padding
Creat Encrypted Content In File:
Decrypt The Data