I am looking for the equivalent implementation of the laplacian of gaussian edge detection.
In matlab we use the following function
[BW,threshold] = edge(I,'log',...)
In python there exist a function for calculating the laplacian of gaussian. It is not giving the edges back definitely.
Any pointer to online implementation or the code
I played a bit with the code of ycyeh (thanks for providing it). In my applications I got better results with using output values proportional to the min-max-range than just binary 0s and 1s. (I then also did not need the thresh anymore but one can easily apply a thresholding on the result.) Also I changed the loops to numpy array operations for faster execution.
What matlab edge() do should be
The LoG filter of scipy only does step 1 above. I implemented the following snippet to mimic step 2~4 above:
This of course is slow and probably not idiomatic as I am also new to Python, but should show the idea. Any suggestion on how to improve it is also welcomed.