What's a good algorithm for drawing anti-aliased circles? (Filled and not filled.)
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If you want an easy one, make a soft blur from pixel matrix A to pixel matrix B.
This is one i've used (here in pseudo-code)
Ofcourse this is applied to grayscale, but you can do easily the same in RGB.
This is really a very simple one, you can also add the diagonals i.e. [x+1][y+1] and split it by 16 or 32.
Bresenham (of the line algorithm fame) also had a circle algorithm.
Xiaolin Wu adapted the line algorithm for anti-aliasing, and likewise did the same to the circle algorithm.
You can find the circle algorithm with this search:
Create a Graphics object g. Do
Draw your anti aliased circle with g.FillEllipse or g.DrawEllipse