I'm trying to implement OAuth Bearer Authentication with Owin. When an invalid or expired token is passed, the default implementation is to log this as a warning and just don't set an Identity. I however would like to reject the whole request with an error in this case. But how would I do this?
After digging through the code I found out that in OAuthBearerAuthenticationHandler
it will parse the token using a fallback mechanism when the provided AuthenticationTokenProvider
did not parse any ticket (like the default implementation). This handler will log a warning when the token could not be parsed to any ticket or when it expired.
But I can't find any place to plug in my own logic to what happens when the token is invalid or expired. I could theoretically check this on my own in the AuthenticationTokenProvider
, but then I would have to reimplement the logic (= copy it over) for creating and reading the token. Also this seems just out of place, as this class seems to be only responsible for creating and parsing tokens. I also don't see a way to plug in my own implementation of the OAuthBearerAuthenticationHandler
in the OAuthBearerAuthenticationMiddleware
Apparently my best and cleanest shot would be to reimplement the whole middleware, but this also seems very overkill.
What do I overlook? How would I go on about this the best?
For clarification. I know by not setting an identity the request will be rejected with 401 Unauthorized later in the Web API. But I personally see this as really bad style, silently swallowing an erroneous access token without any notification. This way you don't get to know that your token is crap, you just get to know you're not authorized.
Yeah, I did not find 'good' solution for this,
Agreed, but that's what I did (before reading your post). I copy & pasted three owin classes, and made it so that it sets property in Owins context, which can be later checked by other handlers.
Then I wrote my own authorization filter, which will be applied globally:
my WebApiConfig:
How my configureOAuth looks like:
I will try & get this to main branch of oAuth middleware, it seems like an obvious use case, unless I am missing something.
If authentication fails (meaning the token is expired) then that layer doesn't set the user, as you said. It's up the the authorization layer (later on) to reject the call. So for your scenario your Web API would need to deny access to an anonymous caller. Use the [Authorize] authorization filter attribute.
I had a similar issue, i think the answer is to late but someone will come here with a similar problem:
I used this nuget package for validate authentication, but i think any method can help: https://www.nuget.org/packages/WebApi.AuthenticationFilter. You can read its documentation in this site https://github.com/mbenford/WebApi-AuthenticationFilter
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