I have seen an approach where frameLayout is used in case of fragments. The ultimate goal was to have multiple fragments.
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A framelayout, Relative View and a few others represents a view in android and is extended from viewgroup.
A Fragment is a an an Object that is used to represent a portion of a user interface and is usually hosted in an activity.
A fragment has a viewgroup which you can assign an XML layout. In the XML you can specify a viewgroup which can be a framelayout if you wish to represent the layout of the viewgroup within the fragment.
Fragments and framelayouts cannot be used interchangeably.
Having said that, you can create a Android application without the use of fragments, and just use viewgroups.
For showing a single Fragment immediately on the screen, yes, you can use fragment or FrameLayout interchangeably.
Single Fragment, Method 1
Showing the Fragment via the fragment tag would look like this in XML:
Single Fragment, Method 2
Showing the Fragment via FrameLayout would look like this in XML:
Followed by Java code like this:
Multiple Fragments
Method 2 then supports changing what fragment you are showing later by running more Java code to change what Fragment is there afterwards:
So FrameLayout gives you the extra ability to do that over using the fragment tag.