I thought this was correct:
<div data-bind="foreach: amount_options, visible: $parent.displayAskAmoutRadioButtons()">
<!-- ko console.log(amount_option) --><!-- /ko -->
<label class="donor-js-amount-choice">
<!-- <input type="radio" class="donor-js-webware" name="gift_amt" data-bind="attr: {value: key}, checked: $parent.amountSelected"><span class="donor-js-currency-symbol" data-bind="html: $root.session.currencySymbol"></span> <span class="donor-js-input-currency" data-bind="text: desc"></span> <span class="donor-js-input-currency"></span><br> -->
apparently not as nothing gets out put to the console. The commented out line of tag is throwing an error about the value: key
and I need to know whats inside of one of these amount_options
Try this. Knockout should evaluate value for binding and flush to console.