I need to know the correct size (artboard and content) for Navigation Drawer icons.
It doesn't say anything on the Navigation Drawer specs: http://www.google.com.br/design/spec/patterns/navigation-drawer.html#navigation-drawer-specs
I need to know the correct size (artboard and content) for Navigation Drawer icons.
It doesn't say anything on the Navigation Drawer specs: http://www.google.com.br/design/spec/patterns/navigation-drawer.html#navigation-drawer-specs
If you only need the icon size to set the dimensions of a view component you can use the Toolbar.Button.Navigation style. Here is an example where I create a fake navigation icon view.
You can check the official implementation of NavigationView provided by the support design library.
If you see the code of NavigationMenuItemView it defines:
I would vote up Balar's answer, but it is off by one small detail. The correct answer is that all small icons should be 24 x 24 dp.
Reference: https://material.io/guidelines/layout/metrics-keylines.html#metrics-keylines-touch-target-size
According to their ratios:
Now google published Material icon design with more details.icons may be scaled down to 20dp with a trim area of 2dp surrounding the icon.
To learn more visit the Material Design site.
the dimensions of those navigation icons are usually 24 x 24 pixels