To better illustrate the question, consider the following simplified form of block recursion:
__block void (^next)(int) = ^(int index) {
if (index == 3) {
int i = index;
XCode (ARC-enabled) warns that "Capturing 'next' strongly in this block is likely to lead to a retain cycle".
Question 1: Would the retain cycle be successfully broken by setting the block itself to nil
, in this fashion:
__block void (^next)(int) = ^(int index) {
if (index == 3) {
next = nil; // break the retain cycle
int i = index;
(Note: you'd still get the same warning, but perhaps it is unwarranted)
Question 2: What would be a better implementation of block recursion?
I think @newacct is correct about @Matt Wilding's solution; it does seem that nothing will have a strong ref to the next block in that case and will result in a run time exception when run (at least it did for me).
I don't know how common it is to find recursively called blocks in the wild in objc. However, in a real world implementation (if actually required) on say, a view controller, one might define the block and then set up an internal interface property with a strong reference to said block:
This runs fine for me and has no compiler warnings about retain cycles (and no leaks in instruments). But, I think I would probably steer clear of doing this (recursive block calls) in most cases in objc - it's smelly. But interesting in any case.
To accomplish the retain-cycle-free recursive block execution, you need to use two block references - one weak and one strong. So for your case, this is what the code could look like:
Note that the block captures the weak block reference (weak_next), and the external context captures the strong reference (next) to keep the block around. Both references point to the same block.
See for another example of this pattern, which also uses block recursion. In addition, the discussion in the comments section of the following article is relevant here as well: