I received the following error in Xcode when attempting to submit an app archive:
ERROR ITMS-9000: "Invalid Pre-Release Train. The train version '2.1.5' is closed for new build submissions"
Does anyone have a solution for this? This version was already waiting for review. I rejected it and now am trying to submit a new build. Same version number but I have incremented the build number.
This is serious bug on Apple version platform.
Without adding a new version. I changed the version number in app information, amazingly it has taken the change.
I uploaded the new build and with the same version number. It has accepted the build.
I had to change the version number in Xcode to 2.1.6 and create a new archive in order for iTunes connect to accept the upload. However, it still allowed me to add the build to the 2.1.5 release.
Just had a similar situation - without the error code. I changed the version number in iTunes Connect, built another archive with the new version number. Tried again and submission passed.
Try changing the version on iTune Connect and try one more time. This work for me.