In my gcloud console it shows the following error for my defined ingresses:
Error during sync: error while evaluating the ingress spec: service "monitoring/kube-prometheus" is type "ClusterIP", expected "NodePort" or "LoadBalancer"
I am using traefik as reverse proxy (instead of nginx) and therefore I define an ingress using a ClusterIP. As far as I understand the process all traffic is proxied through the traefik service (which has a Loadbalancer ingress defined) and therefore all my other ingresses SHOULD actually have a ClusterIP instead of NodePort or Loadbalancer?
So why does Google Cloud warn me that it expected a NodePort or LoadBalancer?
Thanks @aayore. In my case, I had to specify an ingress class explicitly, so that Google Cloud wouldn't interfere. The Nginx ingress seems to be happy with
services.I don't know why that error happens, because it seems (to me) to be a valid configuration. But to clear the error, you can switch your service to a named NodePort. Then switch your ingress to use the port name instead of the number. For example:
This is the explanation I received from Google.
Since services by default are ClusterIP [1] and this type of service is meant to be accessible from inside the cluster. It can be accessed from outside when kube-proxy is used, not meant to be directly accessed with an ingress.
As a suggestion, I personally find this article [2] good for understanding the difference between these types of services.