I am trying to acquire a thumbnail (of the first frame) from a video taken from iphone 3GS camera so i can display it. Anyone been successful at doing this? If so, how to do?
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Maybe this is useful for someone else who faces the same problem. I needed an easy solution for creating a thumbnail for Images, PDFs and Videos. To solve that problem I've created the following Library.
The usage is very straightforward:
var thumbnailImage = ROThumbnail.getThumbnail(url)
It has internally three different implementations and depending on the file extension it does create the thumbnail. You can easily add your own implementation if you need a thumbnail creator for another file extension.
Best method I've found...
MPMoviePlayerController thumbnailImageAtTime:timeOption
You can generate in swift in two ways 1. AVFoundation 2. MPMoviePlayerController
Swift 2 code: