I can create beatiful scatter plot with seaborns regplot
, obtain the right level of transparency through the scatter_kws
as in
sns.regplot(x='logAssets', y='logLTIFR', lowess=True, data=df, scatter_kws={'alpha':0.15}, line_kws={'color': 'red'})
and obtain this:
Is there an option in a seaborn pairplot
to tweak transparency?
Ok I was very close to the solution. Seaborn
that takes as arguments a dictionary of the kind of modifications you would do in aregplot
. The following line is exactly what I needed:And this is the outcome:
If you don't do the regression but just the scatter plot (kind='scatter'), within plot keywords you don't have to do the division between line and scatter keywords:
Alpha can be set as a keyword argument as so: