I am trying to make cascading dropdown list in ASP.NET
, both values for my dropdown list's comes from methods, so am in trouble how to pass value form one dropdown list to another.
Here's how I get values for the first dropdown list:
var CampaignInfo1 = CampaignManagementService.GetAdvertisers((string)Session["ticket"]);
List<CampaignList1> items1 = new List<CampaignList1>();
foreach (var element in CampaignInfo1)
items1.Add(new CampaignList1() { ID1 = element.Key, Name1 = element.Value });
var listOfCamp1 = new SelectList(items1, "ID1", "Name1", 1);
ViewData["list1"] = listOfCamp1;
And dropdown list in view:
@Html.DropDownList("list1", ViewData["list1"] as SelectList, "-- Select Client -1-")
The second dropdown list value am getting almost same method:
var CampaignInf = CampaignManagementService.GetCampaigns((string)Session["ticket"], IDFromfirstDDL);
List<AlreadyCreatedCampaignList> itemas = new List<AlreadyCreatedCampaignList>();
foreach (var element in CampaignInf)
itemas.Add(new AlreadyCreatedCampaignList() { campID = element.Key, campName = element.Value });
var listOfCam = new SelectList(itemas, "campID", "campName", 1);
ViewData["clist"] = listOfCam;
But there is a problem that in method GetCampaigns I have to pass the id(IDFromfirstDDL) which I get from first DDL, and only then method return values which are for that id. The problem is that I don't know how to pass that selected value from first DDL to second, without any form submit, because I need that second DDL changes his values immediately after first DDL changes.
i made it combining http://kruisit.nl/articles/asp.net-mvc-linked-dropdown/ and http://www.appelsiini.net/projects/chained jquery chained selector this article
currently using in my site