How do I do RESTful sign-up and sign-in using devise in Ruby on Rails (I am using version 4)?
I could not find any documentation with regards to the parameters (e.g. email, password) that I should POST to the server.
It seems that RESTful login using JSON data (e.g. via AJAX) is not supported out of the box in the current version of devise - the default behavior is to send back a whole HTML page for any type of request made, instead of a JSON object for handling JSON request specifically.
Does this mean that I need to create/extend custom controller for handling user registration and login for RESTful apps using JSON? If so, please elaborate.
If you're using Devise, all of the RESTful actions have been provided through their forms & controller (if you browse to
, you'll be able to register etc)If you're looking to make your Devise handle JSON, you are correct in that it's not handled "out of the box", but fortunately, there is a way to do it:
Live Code
This is probably excessive, but it works (try registering or logging in at You could probably achieve the same thing with this code (completely untested):
Login Code