I have a hierarchial data table as follows which generates menu and its sub menus. main menu has parentId as 0. Submenu has parent Ids referring to parentId.
ResourceId DisplayName ParentId Url
1 Home 0 Some Url
2 Student 0 Some Url
3 Staff 0 Some Url
4 Library 0 Some Url
6 StudentAtt 1 Some Url
7 TimeTable 1 Some Url
8 Staff Att 2 Some Url
9 Book Issue 3 Some Url
10 Book Return 3 Some Url
11 Fee Payment 4 Some Url
12 Book fine 10 Some Url
need to convert it to Json. Below is the code i tried out. I am trying to check if ParentId of SubMenu equals ResourceId of main Menu. But subMenu is not displayed. (variable table is DataTable)
var rows = table.Rows.Cast<DataRow>().ToList();
var result = rows.Where(x => x["ParentId"].ToString() == "0").GroupBy(r => new { x = r["ResourceId"] }).Select(
g => new
//MenuLevel = g.Key.x,
MenuDetails = g.GroupBy(r => new {a = r["DisplayName"], b = r["Url"]}).Select(
detail => new
DisplayName = detail.Key.a,
Url = detail.Key.b,
SubMenu =
detail.Where(y => g.Key.x.ToString()==y["ParentId"].ToString()).
GroupBy(r => new {f = r["DisplayName"]}).Select(
the result i got is as below.
But expected result is:
[{"MenuDetails":[{"DisplayName":"Home","Url":null,"SubMenu":[{"SubMenuDisplayName":"StudentAtt"},{"SubMenuDisplayName":"TimeTable"}]}]},{"MenuDetails":[{"DisplayName":"Student","Url":null,"SubMenu":[{"SubMenuDisplayName":"Staff Att"}]}]},{"MenuDetails":[{"DisplayName":"Staff","Url":null,"SubMenu":[{"SubMenuDisplayName":"Book Issue"},{"SubMenuDisplayName":"Book Return"}]}]},{"MenuDetails":[{"DisplayName":"Library","Url":null,"SubMenu":[{"SubMenuDisplayName":"Fee Payment "}]}]}]
I also need to display the sub sub menu (which has parent id pointing to resource id of sub menu) Any one please help
The issue your having is in
, detail is already filtered to
rows.Where(x => x["ParentId"].ToString() == "0")
so it does not include the child items.This would be closer to what you want but only returns the first two levels.
To create the full hierarchy you need to create objects for each menu item then join them together. This is easier if you create a type to represent your menu item, for example:
You can then create an object for each item and group them by their ParentIds:
Note: The queries are enumerated here (.ToList()) so we create one set of MenuDeatils objects.
Next we can set each MenuDetails object's SubMenu property from the groups we have created.
The top level items can be found with:
, and now have all the descendant menus attached.