I am designing an application where a user places multiple UIImageViews one over another. When the user decides to save this to photo album, I have to combine all these UIImageViews and save it to Photo Library. While combining them I need to preserve their positions, resolutions, zorder. The approach I tried I was to have a parent UIView which acts like a container. The user places all the UIImageViews inside this UIView. While saving, I take a screenshot of the UIView and save it. Although this approach works, it does not preserve the resolution. The resolution of the final image is same as the resolution of the parent UIView size (width and height being 300 pixels). Is there way to preserve the resolution? or atleast have a higher resolution like upto 1024 x 768 pixels? Any pointers/code examples would be appreciated!
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What you are doing, saving the UIView, is a very good idea if the size of the UIView is higher than the size of the biggest image you have, but that's almost never the case. What you have to do is to create a Graphic Context (CGContextRef), as big as the biggest of your images, sort your images by z-order and start drawing those images there. I'll try to help you with some pseudo code:
Hope it helps.