I am trying to install MySQL 5.6 in amazon linux machine. by using following link.
after completing following steps.
sudo yum localinstall http://repo.mysql.com/mysql-community-release-el6-3.noarch.rpm
sudo yum install mysql-community-server
when i am starting mysql services by this command.
sudo service mysqld start
I am getting MySQL Daemon failed to start error.
Starting from 2015 Sep, Mysql 5.6 server is now natively available through Amazon yum repos. More info @ https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/now-available-amazon-linux-ami-2015-09/
You can now simply install Mysql 5.6 server using
Then you can simply start/stop/status look using the regular service commands
I couldn't figure out the default root password in Amazon AMI then I simply reset the root user password by starting the mysqld service with skip grant tables
Also, you need to run the following command to upgrade the MySQL database to 5.6
Remove old mySql
remove all pre-installed packages. You can get a list:
Then uninstall all of them. For example:
Completely remove the /var/lib/mysql folder
Installing fresh mySql 5.6 =>
I met the same problem on my micro instance. Check your mysql logs If the issue is because of InnoDB: Cannot allocate memory for the buffer pool Adding a swap page might solve the problem. It solved for me. You can follow this setup
I copied the contents if the page does not loads
Amazon EC2 Micro Instance Swap Space - Linux I have a Amazon EC2 Linux Micro instance. Since Micro instances have only 613MB of memory, MySQL crashed every now and then. After a long search about MySQL, Micro Instance and Memory Managment I found out there is no default SWAP space for Micro instance. So if you want to avoid the crash you may need to setup a swap space for your micro instance. Actually performance wise is better to enable swap.
Steps below show how to make a swap space for your Micro instance. I assume you have AWS Account with a Micro instance running.
Run dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1M count=1024
Run mkswap /swapfile
Run swapon /swapfile
Add this line /swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0 to /etc/fstab
Step 4 is needed if you would like to automatically enable swap file after each reboot.
Some useful command related to SWAP space:
$ swapon -s
$ free -k
$ swapoff -a
$ swapon -a