I'm using the premailer-rails3
gem which pulls styles inline for html emails, and I'm trying to get it working with Twitter bootstrap.
It looks like some styles come in correctly, but not all of them. I'm wondering if anyone has a nice working example of getting their Twitter Bootstrap css (modified or not) into an html email.
I spent some time recently looking into building html email templates, the best solution I found was to use this http://htmlemailboilerplate.com/. I have since built 3 quite complex templates and they have worked well in the various email clients.
The trick here is that you don't want to include the whole bootstrap. The issue is that email clients will ignore the media queries and process all the print styles which have a lot of !important statements.
Instead, you need to only include the specific parts of bootstrap that you need. My email.css.scss file looks like this:
Here are a few things you cant do with email:
Source: http://css-tricks.com/using-css-in-html-emails-the-real-story/
Mailchimp has email templates you can use - here
A few more resources that should help you
Hi Brian Armstrong, visit this link.
This blog tells you how to integrate Rails with Bootstrap less (using premailer-rails).
If you're using bootstrap sass, you could do the same:
start by importing some Bootstrap sass files into email.css.scss
and then in your view
section add<%= stylesheet_link_tag "email" %>
You can use this https://github.com/advancedrei/BootstrapForEmail for b-strapping your email.
I apologize for resurecting this old thread, but I just wanted to let everyone know there is a very close Bootstrap like CSS framework specifically created for email styling, here is the link: http://zurb.com/ink/
Hope it helps someone.
Ninja edit: It has since been renamed to
Foundation for Emails
and the new link is: https://foundation.zurb.com/emails.html