Is it possible to have a one line command in python to do a simple ftp server? I'd like to be able to do this as quick and temporary way to transfer files to a linux box without having to install a ftp server. Preferably a way using built in python libraries so there's nothing extra to install.
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I dont know about a one-line FTP server, but if you do
It'll run an HTTP server on, serving files out of the current directory. If you're looking for a way to quickly get files off a linux box with a web browser, you cant beat it.
Then the code:
Get deeper:
The answers above were all assuming your Python distribution would have some third-party libraries in order to achieve the "one liner python ftpd" goal, but that is not the case of what @zio was asking. Also, SimpleHTTPServer involves web broswer for downloading files, it's not quick enough.
Python can't do ftpd by itself, but you can use netcat,
is basically a built-in tool from any UNIX-like systems (even embedded systems), so it's perfect for "quick and temporary way to transfer files".Step 1, on the receiver side, run:
nc -l 12345 | tar -xf -
this will listen on port 12345, waiting for data.
Step 2, on the sender side:
tar -cf - ALL_FILES_YOU_WANT_TO_SEND ... | nc $RECEIVER_IP 12345
You can also put
in the middle to monitor the progress of transferring:tar -cf - ALL_FILES_YOU_WANT_TO_SEND ...| pv | nc $RECEIVER_IP 12345
After the transferring is finished, both sides of
will quit automatically, and job done.