I am trying to perform PCA reducing 900 dimensions to 10. So far I have:
covariancex = cov(labels);
[V, d] = eigs(covariancex, 40);
pcatrain = (trainingData - repmat(mean(traingData), 699, 1)) * V;
pcatest = (test - repmat(mean(trainingData), 225, 1)) * V;
Where labels
are 1x699
labels for chars (1-26). trainingData
is 699x900
, 900-dimensional data for the images of 699 chars. test
is 225x900
, 225 900-dimensional chars.
Basically I want to reduce this down to 225x10
i.e. 10 dimensions but am kind of stuck at this point.
From your code it seems like you are taking the covariance of the
, not thetrainingData
. I believe the point of PCA is in determining the greatest variance in some N (N = 10 here) number of subspaces of your data.Your covariance matrix should be 900x900 (if 900 is the dimension of each image, a result of having 30x30 pixel images I assume.) Where the diagonal elements
gives the variance of that pixel for all training samples, and off diagonal[i,j]
give the covariance between pixeli
and pixelj
. This should be a diagonal matrix as[i,j] == [j,i].
Furthermore when calling
, N should be 10 instead of 40 if you want to reduce the dimension to 10.The covariance is supposed to implemented in your