I have this application that I am working on and the user can mark some items as a favorite. I want to use a heart shaped button for this functionality instead of the casual one is it possible?
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You can use VectorAssets as below in XML.
You can create VectorAssets doing: new Vector Asset > Change Icon -- Here you can choose love vector asset. These VectorAssets, you can store in the drawable folder. Then you can import than in your XML layout file as
For the demo, please see below picture. The VectorAsset XML file is ic_favorite_black_24dp
You can change the color of the VectorAsset also. On click, you can replace VectorAsset with another Red colored VectorAsset to represent it favorite and so on.
You can do it by adding a heart graphic asset and then putting it in an ImageButton, then for the animations you should work some more.
There is a Star/Rate button native, but nancy fancy.
I would recommend this for what you are looking for: https://android-arsenal.com/details/1/3038