I am making custom popover by subclassing UIPopoverBackgroundView (using this tutorial) and presenting it by using UIPopoverController. Unfortunately as soon as I specify custom popoverBackgroundViewClass the native dimmed background disappears. Is there any way to leave the dimmed background when using custom UIPopoverBackgroundView? Any other solution that I can use to simulate native behaviour?
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Not sure why this got down voted, it's a good question because when you implement a custom UIPopoverBackgroundView, the dimmed background doesn't get set. In researching this problem, I determined the best approach is to set it myself!
Just before creating the popover view, I create a "mask view" that will be added to the view before the popover. This code includes a nice fade in effect as well:
And to remove the view, plug this into the method(s) that handle the popover view disappearing:
Works well for me. Happy coding!
All you need is add next code into initWithFrame: method of your implementation of UIPopoverBackgroundView.
It works as same as default Apple implementation.