I'm a newbie with Go, but so far I'm liking it very much.
I have a problem I can't figure out. I'm migrating an API from Node to Go and there is this log where I have to capture the Body of a POST AS IT IS and save it to a jsonb
type column in a Postgresql database.
This means I can't use a struct
or anything predetermined.
The POST is made with body raw Content-Type: application/json
like so:
"debug": false,
"order_id_gea": 326064,
"increment_id_gea": 200436102,
"date": "2017-05-18T01:44:44+00:00",
"total_amount": 10000.00,
"currency": "MXN",
"payment_method": "Referencia bancaria",
"reference": "857374",
"buyer": {
"buyer_id_gea": 1234,
"full_name": "Juan Perez Martinez",
"email": "juanperez@gmail.com",
"phone": "5512341234"
"products": [
"price": 10000.00,
"currency": "MXN",
"student": {
"school_id_gea": 172,
"grade_id_gea": 119,
"level_id_gea": 36,
"name": "Benancio",
"last_name": "Perez",
"second_last_name": "Garcia",
"email": "benancio@gmail.com"
On Node + Hapi is quite simple:
const payload = request.payload
and then I can access the JSON from payload
I am using Go with Echo, so context
is a wrapper where I can find Request() *http.Request
I have tried the following, but everytime the result is empty or an error because it is empty:
var v interface{}
err := json.NewDecoder(context.Request().Body).Decode(&v)
if err != nil {
return result, err
Result: EOF
m := echo.Map{}
if err := context.Bind(&m); err != nil {
return result, err
Result code 400, message EOF
body, error := ioutil.ReadAll(context.Request().Body)
if error != nil {
return result, error
Result []
What am I missing and/or doing wrong? Thanks!
I believe you can do this:
TIL that
is a buffer, which means that once it has been read, it cannot be read again.It's like a stream of water, you can see it and measure it as it passes but once it's gone, it's gone.
However, knowing this, there is a workaround, you need to "catch" the body and restore it:
Now, you can use
somewhere else.Sources: