I want to add a tag @skiponchrome to a scenario, this should skip the scenario when running a Selenium test with the Chrome browser. The reason to-do this is because some scenario's work in some environments and not in others, this might not even be browser testing specific and could be applied in other situation for example OS platforms.
Example hook:
@Before("@skiponchrome") // this works
public void beforeScenario() {
if(currentBrowser == 'chrome') { // this works
// Skip scenario code here
I know it is possible to define ~@skiponchrome in the cucumber tags to skip the tag, but I would like to skip a tag at run-time. This way I don't have to think about which steps to skip in advance when I starting a test run on a certain environment.
I would like to create a hook that catches the tag and skips the scenario without reporting a fail/error. Is this possible?
I too had the same challenge, where in I need to skip a scenario from running based on a flag which I obtain from the application dynamically in run-time, which tells whether the feature to be tested is enabled on the application or not..
so this is how I wrote my logic in the scenarios file, where we have the glue code for each step.
I have used a unique tag '@Feature-01AXX' to mark my scenarios that need to be run only when that feature(code) is available on the application.
so for every scenario, the tag '@Feature-01XX' is checked first, if its present then the check for the availability of the feature is made, only then the scenario will be picked for running. Else it will be merely skipped, and Junit will not mark this as failure, instead it will me marked as Pass. So the final result if these tests did not run due to the un-availability of the feature will be pass, that's cool...