My problem is I've run into limitations of accepts_nested_attributes_for, so I need to figure out how to replicate that functionality on my own in order to have more flexibility. (See below for exactly what's hanging me up.) So my question is: What should my form, controller and models look like if I want to mimmic and augment accepts_nested_attributes_for? The real trick is I need to be able to update both existing AND new models with existing associations/attributes.
I'm building an app that uses nested forms. I initially used this RailsCast as a blueprint (leveraging accepts_nested_attributes_for): Railscast 196: Nested Model Form.
My app is checklists with jobs (tasks), and I'm letting the user update the checklist (name, description) and add/remove associated jobs in a single form. This works well, but I run into problems when I incorporate this into another aspect of my app: history via versioning.
A big part of my app is that I need to record historical information for my models and associations. I ended up rolling my own versioning (here is my question where I describe my decision process/considerations), and a big part of that is a workflow where I need to create a new version of an old thing, make updates to the new version, archive the old version. This is invisible to the user, who sees the experience as simply updating a model through the UI.
Code - models
class Checklist < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :jobs, :through => :checklists_jobs
accepts_nested_attributes_for :jobs, :reject_if => lambda { |a| a[:name].blank? }, :allow_destroy => true
class Job < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :checklists, :through => :checklists_jobs
Code - current form (NOTE: @jobs is defined as unarchived jobs for this checklist in the checklists controller edit action; so is @checklist)
<%= simple_form_for @checklist, :html => { :class => 'form-inline' } do |f| %>
<legend><%= controller.action_name.capitalize %> Checklist</legend><br>
<%= f.input :name, :input_html => { :rows => 1 }, :placeholder => 'Name the Checklist...', :class => 'autoresizer' %>
<%= f.input :description, :input_html => { :rows => 3 }, :placeholder => 'Optional description...', :class => 'autoresizer' %>
<legend>Jobs on this Checklist - [Name] [Description]</legend>
<%= f.fields_for :jobs, @jobs, :html => { :class => 'form-inline' } do |j| %>
<%= render "job_fields_disabled", :j => j %>
<% end %>
<p><%= link_to_add_fields "+", f, :jobs %></p>
<div class="form-actions">
<%= f.submit nil, :class => 'btn btn-primary' %>
<%= link_to 'Cancel', checklists_path, :class => 'btn' %>
<% end %>
Code - snippet from checklists_controller.rb#Update
def update
@oldChecklist = Checklist.find(params[:id])
# Do some checks to determine if we need to do the new copy/archive stuff
@newChecklist = @oldChecklist.dup
@newChecklist.parent_id = (@oldChecklist.parent_id == 0) ? : @oldChecklist.parent_id
@newChecklist.predecessor_id =
@newChecklist.version = (@oldChecklist.version + 1)
# Now I've got a new checklist that looks like the old one (with some updated versioning info).
# For the jobs associated with the old checklist, do some similar archiving and creating new versions IN THE JOIN TABLE
@oldChecklist.checklists_jobs.archived_state(:false).each do |u|
x = u.dup
x.checklist_id =
# Now the new checklist's join table entries look like the old checklist's entries did
# BEFORE the form was submitted; but I want to update the NEW Checklist so it reflects
# the updates made in the form that was submitted.
# Part of the params[:checklist] has is "jobs_attributes", which is handled by
# accepts_nested_attributes_for. The problem is I can't really manipulate that hash very
# well, and I can't do a direct update with those attributes on my NEW model (as I'm
# trying in the next line) due to a built-in limitation.
And that's where I run into the accepts_nested_attributes_for limitation (it's documented pretty well here. I get the "Couldn't find Model1 with ID=X for Model2 with ID=Y" exception, which is basically as-designed.
So, how can I create multiple nested models and add/remove them on the parent model's form similar to what accepts_nested_attributes_for does, but on my own?
The options I've seen - is one of these best? The real trick is I need to be able to update both existing AND new models with existing associations/attributes. I can't link them, so I'll just name them.
Redtape (on github) Virtus (also github)
Thanks for your help!
Since Mario commented on my question and asked if I solved it, I thought I would share my solution.
I should say that I'm sure this isn't a very elegant solution, and it's not great code. But it's what I came up with, and it works. Since this question is pretty technical, I'm not posting pseudo-code here - I'm posting the full code for both the Checklist model and the Checklists controller update action (the parts of the code that apply to this question, anyway). I'm also pretty sure my transaction blocks aren't actually doing anything (I need to fix those).
The basic idea is I broke out the update action manually. Rather than relying on update_attributes (and accepts_nested_attributes_for), I manually update the checklist in two phases:
There's some "submission" stuff that I think is safe to ignore here (it's basically logic to determine if it even matters how the checklist changed - if there aren't any submissions (records of a checklist's historical data) then just update the checklist in place without doing any of this archiving or adding/subtracting jobs stuff).
I don't know if this will be helpful, but here it is anyway.
Code - checklist.rb (model)
Code - checklists_controller.rb (controller)
Code - Checklist form
Your probably gonna want to rip out the complex accepts_nested stuff and create a custom class or module to contain all the steps required.
There's some useful stuff in this post
Particularly point 3