I'm building a Xamarin Forms project for a client and we need a graphing library that will handle data live streamed as a line chart that connects points. I'm relatively new to the Xamarin community and was wondering if one of the more knowledgeable developers could point me toward a good library for this.
I saw Syncfusion Essential Studio but 2k a license is not in the budget and OxyPlot, but its website doesn't work (http://oxyplot.org/).
The first target platform is iOS.
If you are looking for free controls you can use charting controls from Xamarin-Forms-Labs: Xamarin-Forms-Labs Charting
You can also use Telerik Charting Controls which costs $799
Take a look at SciChart for Xamarin - which provides rich, interactive high performance charts for iOS & Android.
Examples are hosted at Github: https://github.com/abtsoftware/scichart.xamarin.examples
A getting-started youtube video is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYdab-0XHMA
Disclosure: I am the tech lead on the SciChart xamarin project
has basic charting for iOS/Android/WinPhone:Personally the XLabs version was too simple for our needs, so we either:
1) Use native charting libraries via
binding projects2) Use
to draw the graph using primitives withinXamarin.Forms
appsI ended up going with Telerik's UI for Xamarin mainly due to business concerns. We have now switched to SciCharts.
Another charting possibility I discovered is the Xamarin.Forms Controls from Infragistics.
Syncfusion provides a Free Community License.
Xamarin charts are included as well.