I've been playing with the new Web API 2 (which looks very promising btw) but I'm having a bit of a headache to get some routes working. All works fine when I have GetAllUsers / GetUser(int id), but then when I add GetUserByName(string name) and/or GetUserByUsername(string username) things start to be creepy. I know that the int will be the first one and that I can re-order the routes but let's imagine the following scenario:
A user can have a valid username=1234
or name=1234
(I know it's unlikely but we need to prevent any possible situation) and we might have a valid 1234 ID in the database and all the routes will be mixed up.
Maybe this is something that we will need to work with on the new WebAPI 2 so I thought I could come with an "workaround" passing filters as querystrings to target different action in the same controller, such as api/users/?username=1234
(GetUserByUsername) or api/users/?name=1234
But I cannot make querystrings to come through ... actually any querystring option above is getting caught by the GetAllUsers.
Does anyone have any suggestion/fix for that scenario?
Thanks a lot
You need to define the method access name like
UPDATED Above both will work nicely with other configurations of route prefix.