I have .NET core Web API which as service layer. Service layer has all EF code.
If have basecontroller with this code
protected Task<IActionResult> NewTask(Func<IActionResult> callback)
return Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
return callback();
catch (Exception ex)
In controller action I wrap all calls to service in above method e.g. :
public async Task<IActionResult> GetSomething(int somethingId)
return await NewTask(() =>
var result = _somethingService.GetSomething(somethingId);
if (result != null)
return Ok(result);
return NotFound("Role not found");
Is this correct pattern considering tomorrow I may have more than one service calls in action or making calls to other webservice. Please advise.
No, it does not. Running synchronous work on the thread pool gives you the drawbacks of synchronous and asynchronous code, with the benefits of neither.
Currently, your action method is what I call "fake asynchronous" - it looks asynchronous (e.g., using
), but in fact is just running blocking code on a background thread. On ASP.NET, you want true asynchrony, whicn means you must be async all the way. For more about why this is bad on ASP.NET, see the first half of my intro toasync
on ASP.NET article (it mostly deals with ASP.NET non-core, but the first part talking about synchronous vs asynchronous requests is valid for any kind of server).To make this truly asynchronous, you should start at the lowest level - in this case, your EFCore calls. They all support asynchrony. So, replace API calls like
withawait x.FirstOrDefaultAsync()
(and the same for all your creates/updates/deletes, etc).Then allow
to grow naturally from there; the compiler will guide you. You'll end up with asynchronous methods on yoursomethingService
which can be consumed as such:Okay, first of all, you should stop using
and useTask.Run
only when you have heavy CPU-bound work that you want to run on a thread pool thread. In you case you don't really need that at all. Also you should remember that you should only useTask.Run
when calling a method and not in the implementation of the method. You can read more about that here.What you really want in your case is to have asynchronous work inside your service (I'm not really sure you even need a service in your case) when you are actually making a call to the database and you want to use async/await and not just run some stuff on a background thread.
Basically your service should look something like this (if you are sure you need a service):
As you can see your service now makes async calls to the database and that's basically what your pattern should be. You can apply this to all your operations(add/delete/ etc..)
After making your service asynchronous you should be easily able to consume the data in the action.
Your actions should look something like this: