I'm learning about sed but it is very difficult to me understand it.
I have adsl with dynamic ip so and i want to put current ip on hosts file.
This following script just tells me the current wan ip address and no more:
IP=$(dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com)
echo $IP
The result:
So, i have a line on hosts file with the old ip address: peep.strudel.com
and i want to update host file like this: peep.strudel.com
How can i do it? I think i can use the hostname as pattern...
The reason of doing this is because my server is a client of my router, so it access the internet thru its gateway and not directly. And postfix always is logging me that "connect from unknown [x.x.x.x]" (where x.x.x.x is my wan ip!) and it can't resolve that ip. I think that maybe if i specify this relating with my fqdn host/domain, on hosts file it will works better.
Thanks Sergio.
You need to include the sed code inside double quotes so that the used variable got expanded.
parameter to save the changes made. In basic sed\(..\)
called capturing group.\{min,max\}
called range quantifier.Example:
using sed
find all lines that matches 1 or more digits with this pattern 4 consecutive times then patternpeep.strudel.com
.The parenthesis around the patternpeep.strudel.com
save it as\1
then replace the whole patten with your variable and your new ip.another approach:instead of saving pattern to a variable named IP, you can execute your command line inside sed command line to get the new IP .
using gawk
You can use a simple shell script:
sed -i "/$HOST/ s/.*/$IP\t$HOST/g" /etc/hosts
means in the line which contains$HOST
replace everything.*