How does the HTML5 multiple file upload field map

2020-06-03 00:35发布

I'm trying to use the HTML5 multiple attribute on a file field in a nested form.

The models are as follows:

class Album < ActiveRecord::Base

  has_many :album_images
  has_many :images, :through => :album_images

  accepts_nested_attributes_for :images


class Image < ActiveRecord::Base

  has_many :album_images
  has_many :albums, :through => :album_images

  mount_uploader :filename, ImageUploader

  validates_presence_of :filename


The view:

  <%= semantic_form_for @album, :url => upload_path do |f| %>
    <%= f.inputs do %>
      <%= f.input :name, :label => 'Album title' %>
    <% end %>

    <%= f.input :images, :as => :file, :input_html => {:multiple => true} %>

    <%= f.buttons do %>
      <%= f.commit_button 'Upload' %>
    <% end %>
  <% end %>

When I use for the file field:

<%= f.input :images, :as => :file, :input_html => {:multiple => true} %>

I get:

<input id="album_images" multiple="multiple" name="album[images][]" type="file">

Which doesn't doesn't seem right since I think I want to set the filename on the object directly, but I'm not sure about this. When I try to upload with this field, the incoming params look like:

 "album"=>{"name"=>"2011-01-09", "images"=>["IMG_0052.JPG", "IMG_0053.JPG", "IMG_0054.JPG", "IMG_0055.JPG"]}

However, I get the following error:

ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch (Image(#2157004660) expected, got String(#2151988680)):

OK, that error is probably due to the fact that it just received a filename and not an image object. So instead, I use for the file field:

<%= f.input :images, :as => :file, :input_html => {:multiple => true, :name => 'album[images][][filename]'} %>

for which Formtastic generates:

<input id="album_images" multiple="multiple" name="album[images][][filename]" type="file">

The incoming params look like:

"album"=>{"name"=>"2011-01-09", "images"=>[{"filename"=>"IMG_0052.JPG"}, {"filename"=>"IMG_0053.JPG"}, {"filename"=>"IMG_0055.JPG"}]}

But then I get this error:

Image(#2153868680) expected, got ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess(#2158892780)

So how does one go about setting up this multiple file input filed mapping in Rails?


2楼-- · 2020-06-03 00:59

You need to include :html => { :multipart => true } in your form_for (or in your case semantic_form_for) call so that your <form> tag is set to support file uploads.

Then revert back to your original syntax for f.input and you should be right then.

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