Match a running ipython notebook to a process

2020-06-02 07:35发布

My server runs many long running notebooks, and I'd like to monitor the notebooks memory.

Is there a way to match between the pid or process name and a notebook?

2楼-- · 2020-06-02 08:17

This is possible, although I could only think of the rather hackish solution I outline below. In summary:

  1. Get the ports each kernel (id) is listening on from the corresponding json connection files residing in the server's security directory
  2. Parse the output of a call to netstat to determine which pid is listening to the ports found in step 1
  3. Query the server's sessions url to find which kernel id maps to which session, and hence to which notebook. See the ipython wiki for the api. Although not all of it works for me, running IPython 2.1.0, the sessions url does.

I suspect there is a much simpler way, but I'm not sure as yet where to find it.

import glob
import os.path
import posixpath
import re
import json
import subprocess
import urllib2

# the url and port at which your notebook server listens
server_path = 'http://localhost'
server_port = 8888
# the security directory of the notebook server, containing its connections files
server_sec_dir = 'C:/Users/Josh/.ipython/profile_default/security/'

# part 1 : open all the connection json files to find their port numbers
kernels = {}
for json_path in glob.glob(os.path.join(server_sec_dir, 'kernel-*.json')):
    control_port = json.load(open(json_path, 'r'))['control_port']
    key = os.path.basename(json_path)[7:-5]
    kernels[control_port] = {'control_port': control_port, 'key': key}

# part2 : get netstat info for which processes use which tcp ports
netstat_ouput = subprocess.check_output(['netstat', '-ano'])
# parse the netstat output to map ports to PIDs
netstat_regex = re.compile(
    "^\s+\w+\s+" # protocol word
    "\d+(\.\d+){3}:(\d+)\s+" # local ip:port
    "\d+(\.\d+){3}:(\d+)\s+" # foreign ip:port 
    "LISTENING\s+" # connection state
    "(\d+)$" # PID
for line in netstat_ouput.splitlines(False):
    match = netstat_regex.match(line)
    if match and match.lastindex == 5:
        port = int(
        if port in kernels:
            pid = int(
            kernels[port]['pid'] = pid

# reorganize kernels to use 'key' as keys
kernels = {kernel['key']: kernel for kernel in kernels.values()}

# part 3 : find which kernel corresponds to which notebook
# by querying the notebook server api for sessions
sessions_url = posixpath.join('%s:%d' % (server_path, server_port),
response = urllib2.urlopen(sessions_url).read()
for session in json.loads(response):
    key = session['kernel']['id']
    if key in kernels:
        nb_path = os.path.join(session['notebook']['path'],
        kernels[key]['nb_path'] = nb_path

# now do what you will with the dict. I just print a pretty list version:
print json.dumps(kernels.values(), sort_keys=True, indent=4)

outputs (for me, at the moment):

        "key": "9142896a-34ca-4c01-bc71-e5709652cac5",
        "nb_path": "2015/2015-01-16\\serhsdh.ipynb",
        "pid": 11436,
        "port": 56173
        "key": "1ddedd95-5673-45a6-b0fb-a3083debb681",
        "nb_path": "Untitled0.ipynb",
        "pid": 11248,
        "port": 52191
        "key": "330343dc-ae60-4f5c-b9b8-e5d05643df19",
        "nb_path": "ipynb\\temp.ipynb",
        "pid": 4680,
        "port": 55446
        "key": "888ad49b-5729-40c8-8d53-0e025b03ecc6",
        "nb_path": "Untitled2.ipynb",
        "pid": 7584,
        "port": 55401
        "key": "26d9ddd2-546a-40b4-975f-07403bb4e048",
        "nb_path": "Untitled1.ipynb",
        "pid": 10916,
        "port": 55351
3楼-- · 2020-06-02 08:24

Since the question is about monitoring notebooks' memory, I've written a complete example showing the memory consumption of the running notebooks. It is based on the excellent @jcb91 answer and a few other answers (1, 2, 3, 4).

import json
import os
import os.path
import posixpath
import subprocess
import urllib2

import pandas as pd
import psutil

def show_notebooks_table(host, port):
    """Show table with info about running jupyter notebooks.

        host: host of the jupyter server.
        port: port of the jupyter server.

        DataFrame with rows corresponding to running notebooks and following columns:
            * index: notebook kernel id.
            * path: path to notebook file.
            * pid: pid of the notebook process.
            * memory: notebook memory consumption in percentage.
    notebooks = get_running_notebooks(host, port)
    prefix = long_substr([notebook['path'] for notebook in notebooks])
    df = pd.DataFrame(notebooks)
    df = df.set_index('kernel_id') = prefix
    df.path = df.path.apply(lambda x: x[len(prefix):])
    df['pid'] = df.apply(lambda row: get_process_id(, axis=1)
    # same notebook can be run in multiple processes
    df = expand_column(df, 'pid')
    df['memory'] =
    return df.sort_values('memory', ascending=False)

def get_running_notebooks(host, port):
    """Get kernel ids and paths of the running notebooks.

        host: host at which the notebook server is listening. E.g. 'localhost'.
        port: port at which the notebook server is listening. E.g. 8888.
        username: name of the user who runs the notebooks.

        list of dicts {kernel_id: notebook kernel id, path: path to notebook file}.
    # find which kernel corresponds to which notebook
    # by querying the notebook server api for sessions
    sessions_url = posixpath.join('http://%s:%d' % (host, port), 'api', 'sessions')
    response = urllib2.urlopen(sessions_url).read()
    res = json.loads(response)
    notebooks = [{'kernel_id': notebook['kernel']['id'],
                  'path': notebook['notebook']['path']} for notebook in res]
    return notebooks

def get_process_id(name):
    """Return process ids found by (partial) name or regex.

    >>> get_process_id('kthreadd')
    >>> get_process_id('watchdog')
    [10, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31, 36, 41, 46, 51, 56, 61]  # ymmv
    >>> get_process_id('non-existent process')
    child = subprocess.Popen(['pgrep', '-f', name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False)
    response = child.communicate()[0]
    return [int(pid) for pid in response.split()]

def memory_usage_psutil(pid=None):
    """Get memory usage percentage by current process or by process specified by id, like in top.


        pid: pid of the process to analyze. If None, analyze the current process.

        memory usage of the process, in percentage like in top, values in [0, 100].
    if pid is None:
        pid = os.getpid()
    process = psutil.Process(pid)
    return process.memory_percent()

def long_substr(strings):
    """Find longest common substring in a list of strings.


        strings: list of strings.

        longest substring which is found in all of the strings.
    substr = ''
    if len(strings) > 1 and len(strings[0]) > 0:
        for i in range(len(strings[0])):
            for j in range(len(strings[0])-i+1):
                if j > len(substr) and all(strings[0][i:i+j] in x for x in strings):
                    substr = strings[0][i:i+j]
    return substr

def expand_column(dataframe, column):
    """Transform iterable column values into multiple rows.


        dataframe: DataFrame to process.
        column: name of the column to expand.

        copy of the DataFrame with the following updates:
            * for rows where column contains only 1 value, keep them as is.
            * for rows where column contains a list of values, transform them
                into multiple rows, each of which contains one value from the list in column.
    tmp_df = dataframe.apply(
        lambda row: pd.Series(row[column]), axis=1).stack().reset_index(level=1, drop=True) = column
    return dataframe.drop(column, axis=1).join(tmp_df)

Here is an example output of show_notebooks_table('localhost', 8888):

example output of show_notebooks_table

\"骚年 ilove
4楼-- · 2020-06-02 08:24

Adding to the Dennis Golomazov's answer to:

  • Make the code compatible with Python 3
  • Allow to login into a password-protected session

I replaced the get_running_notebooks function by this one (source):

    import requests

    def get_running_notebooks(host, port, password=''):
        Get kernel ids and paths of the running notebooks.

            host: host at which the notebook server is listening. E.g. 'localhost'.
            port: port at which the notebook server is listening. E.g. 8888.

            list of dicts {kernel_id: notebook kernel id, path: path to notebook file}.

        BASE_URL = 'http://{0}:{1}/'.format(host, port)

        # Get the cookie data
        s = requests.Session()
        url = BASE_URL + 'login?next=%2F'
        resp = s.get(url)
        xsrf_cookie = resp.cookies['_xsrf']

        # Login with the password
        params = {'_xsrf': xsrf_cookie, 'password': password}
        res =, data=params)

        # Find which kernel corresponds to which notebook
        # by querying the notebook server api for sessions
        url = posixpath.join(BASE_URL, 'api', 'sessions')
        ret = s.get(url)
        #print('Status code:', ret.status_code)

        # Get the notebook list
        res = json.loads(ret.text)
        notebooks = [{'kernel_id': notebook['kernel']['id'],
                      'path': notebook['notebook']['path']} for notebook in res]
        return notebooks
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